Welcome to my homepage.
Welcome to my homepage.
Well, I am Max. Born & raised in Germany where I also completed my undergraduate studies – in Berlin, specifically. I did my PhD at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics in Oslo, Norway.
Currently, I am leading the Max Planck Research Group “Multiphase Gas” at MPA. Before that, I was a Hubble fellow/postdoc at JHU and UCSB.
In my free time I like to go hiking, traveling and have some beers with friends.
Probably the best way to see a complete list of my publications is at SAO/NASA ADS or on the arXiv.
In a nutshell: I am a theoretical astrophysicist who worked mainly on modified gravity, Lyman-alpha observables, and small-scale (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations.
Generally, I like to work on the interface between observers and theorists. This involves, e.g., numerical simulations & modeling.
More details about my work can be found in my publications and by clicking on the images below.
During some projects I assembled some data or made some movies which might be interesting to others.
(first used & described in arXiv:1406.6709
) which I am happy to share.I am part of the Multiphase Gas Group at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysicist.
Current group members are:
Former members:
We offer Bachelor and Master thesis projects in a wide range of topics in theoretical/computational astrophysics. If you’re interested in working with us, please contact me.
Probably the best way to reach me is via email: maxbg mpa garching mpg de